Geophysical Paris eXploration Group

The GPX is a new initiative in Paris, France, between the Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris (IPG Paris) and Ecole des Mines de Paris (Mines ParisTech) to develop a strong research and training program in Exploration Geophysics through International Master and Doctoral programs. It is funded by the French National Research Agency (ANR), CGG, TOTAL and Schlumberger. Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, University of Kyoto, Institute of Technology of Bandung, Norwegian University of Science and Technology and University of São Paulo are the academic international partner.

The International Master of Research is a 10-month program, starting from September to June. The first batch of International Master started in 2012. The teaching is in English and consists of course work and a research project. Each participating student receives a Fellowship. The Ph.D. program is for three years; each student receives a 3-year Ph.D. Fellowship.

The main research focus of GPX is the development and application of state-of-the-art modelling and inversion techniques of different geophysical data.

The GPX is housed at the IPG Paris in a newly specifically designed building in front of the Paris Botanical Garden and Natural History Museum in the centre of Paris.

Introduction to GPX (6-min video): 

in English in French in Spanish (translated by Fernando Villanueva-Robles, PhD candidate in GPX programme) 

in Japanese in Chinese  (translated by Shihao Yuan, PhD candidate in GPX programme)

in Russian (translated by Oleg Ovcharenko, Master student in GPX programme) 




For more information, contact Marie-Dominique Rocheron (