GPX alumni 2012-2013
We have now two GPX promotions who have obtained Master degrees and continuing to PhD inside or outside GPX or working in industry. Here are their Master research internship and current positions.
Ilaria Barone (now at CGG)
"Low frequency Rayleigh wave phase velocity mapping using a spatial autocorrelation analysis of surface seismic data"
Kimman (WG) / Martin (SCB-IPGP)
WesternGeco Gatwick
Prattya Datta (now at IIT Madras)
"Uncertainties in depth imaging"
Ben Hadj Ali (Total)
Total Pau
Bence Papp (now at SLB)
"Rock-fibre coupling in distributed vibration sensing"
Donno (MINES), Martin (SCB-IPGP), Hartog (SCB)
SLB Southampton
Angelina Egorova
"Tomographic imaging of Investigator Ridge using 15-km long streamer CGG data"
Singh, Fuji (IPGP), Noble (MINES)
Yves-Marie Batany (now GPX PhD in MINES with Campinas)
"Random demodulator seismic array: an application of compressive sensing in seismic exploration"
Martin (IPGP-SCB), van Maen, Ferber, Hopperstad (SCB)
SLB Cambridge
Sophie Monnier (now PhD in Melbourne)
"Low-frequency signal enhancement in OBN processing"
Haacke (CGG), Singh (IPGP)
CGGV Crowley
Mahesh Kalita (now PhD in KAUST)
"4D seismic attribute computation of SeisMovie data"
Forgues (CGG)
CGGV Massy
Alexis Bottero (now PhD in Aix-Marseille)
"Seismic tomography under uncertainties by parallel interacting Markov chains"
Gesret, Romary, Noble (MINES)
Thibaut Perol (now PhD in Harvard)
"Micromechanics based permeability evolution in brittle materials at high strain rates"
Bhat (IPGP)
Siddharth Sharma (now PhD in Delft)
"Parameters estimation in zero offset 4D inversion"
Audebert, Agut (Total), Singh, Fuji (IPGP), Noble (MINES)