Villanueva-Robles, Fernando, Active-passive interferometry
Villanueva-Robles, Fernando**
Dense array data reconstruction from sparse ocean bottom data using active and ambient noise interferometry
N. Fuji, N. Shapiro (IPGP)
Seismic ambient noise interferometry can reconstruct data with a virtual source by focusing the wavefield in the position of one physical receiver using correlations and convolutions. In industry, ambient noise interfero- metry has shown good results for surface wave tomography, showing a big potential for reservoir monitoring. In this thesis we propose a joint method of using controlled (active) and ambient noise (passive) source interferometry for data reconstruction. Taking into account the importance of focusing conditions of seismic interferometry method to create the virtual source, we will develop processing techniques that improve the focusing of the ambient noise interferometry guided by active seismic interferometry.
*Fernando was a former GPX Master student 2013-2014.
** Fernando is also working for CGG.